Wednesday, March 5, 2008


In just 12 hours we will be at the rink preparing for our open practice. Then 12 hours after that, I will be getting up preparing for our FIRST ANNUAL INLINE MARCH MADNESS INVITATIONAL/MARATHON.

I know I have passed a lot of information over these pages and most of the things have changed more often that some kids change their under ware (Oooo mental picture!). I will have the opportunity to write an article about what it is like to put on a larger event for the first time. USA Roller Sports is saving me a spot in their next issue. There are some days that I think, "Jessica will never publish this..." and other days I want to write about all of our great sponsors and how they were so instrumental in our success. What it has been like trying to get the schools to just hand out flyers that were already preprinted about our 2K FUN ROLL. Or how some businesses promised to donate something for our raffle and then declined once we stopped by to pick it up.

Well I would love to ramble on but I need a few hours sleep before this all starts. To be honest... I feel like that Novice kid who is at their first big race. I can't sleep, I feel like I have forgotten something important, like my skates or my uniform (no... I do not wear a uniform so don't even think about asking!).... but excitement as we pull up to the rink. The butterflies, the anticipation, the nerves.... I can't wait!!! See you tomorrow.. actually later today! Linda

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